[Learn Abacus at Home] : Newest version of excercise books. Please watch “Learn Abacus at Home” Introduction ~ Lesson 4, then try the Lesson 4 Exercise below. After watching Lesson 5, please try the Lesson 5 Excercise below. After watching Lesson 6 video, please try the Lesson 6 Excercise below
[Abacus Lessons for Kids] : Lesson 1-10. This series are quite challenging for kids learning alone. Please try our new [Learn Abacus at Home] series above. These are for both parents and their children so that they can learn abacus at home.
[Printables] : These are useful printables (e,g, friend approach table, finger method table, etc). Please print them out and set them aside while working with abacus as a reference.
[Workbooks]: These are supplementary worksheets. Visit our Abacus lesson page and learn a new topic. Then, work with these workbooks.
Learn Abacus at Home
Lesson 4 Exercise: Simple Addition and Subtraction: Lesson 4 Exercise
Lesson 5 Exercise: Simple Addition and Subtraction with Multi-digit numbers: Lesson 5 Exercise